Today we’re diving into the fascinating world of chicken feed. Now, you might be wondering, "Isn’t all chicken feed pretty much the same?" Let me assure you, it’s as varied as the personalities in your flock! From high-protein blends to simple scratch mixes, the choices are wide-ranging and the impact on your hens can be significant.
Giuliana and I have been keeping chooks for many years now and when we first started with our first flock of hens, we knew little about what makes for quality chicken feed and just what it was comprised of. Over time, though, we’ve learned a thing or two about keeping our hens healthy, happy and producing the tastiest eggs. So, let’s explore what you need to know about chicken feed to ensure your hens are well-fed and laying those beautiful golden-yolked eggs.
The Marvel of Mash
Let’s start with mash. No, not the mashed potatoes you’d find on a dinner plate, but mash chicken feed - a coarse mixture of grains and essential nutrients. Mash is like a buffet for your hens, giving them a variety of ingredients to pick from as they eat. Here at Talking Hens, we’ve been selling our Sustainable Layer chicken feed for over 12 years, and it’s been a favourite among backyard chicken keepers across Australia.
Why is mash so popular? It’s simple: hens can pick out the bits they need, almost as if they’re their own nutritionists. They’ll eat some now, come back for more later and the variation in a mash feed keeps them interested in their feed. A little tip - resist the urge to top up the feeder too quickly! Let your hens eat most of the mash before refilling it. This ensures they’re getting all the nutrients, not just the bits they like best, a bit like making sure your kids finish their veggies before dessert.
Pellet Feed: Pros and Cons
Now let’s talk about pellets. You’ve probably heard that pelletised chicken feed is cheap and convenient, and it is, but it’s not without its downsides. Pellets are made by compressing all the individual ingredients using steam and heat. This squashes everything into a typically bland-tasting format that many hens find less than appealing. They will eat pellets when hungry though and nothing else is available but put a mash feed beside them and they will go at it like jackhammers as in this video!
Take Golden Yolk feed, for example. It’s a popular pelletised feed sold and recommended in most pet and stock feed stores. However, it only contains about 15% protein and much of its bulk comes from cheap fillers like barley. It’s the fast food equivalent for your chickens - fine for an occasional meal, but not great if it’s their main diet. And much like us after too much time eating takeaway food, hens on low-protein pellet diets can become sluggish and undernourished over time.
Protein: The Key to Great Egg Production
Speaking of nutrition, protein is a critical component of a laying hen's diet. If you’re raising high-performance breeds like Hy-Lines, Lohmanns or ISA Browns, these hens need at least 17 to 18% protein in their chicken feed to thrive. Without it, their egg production can drop and the quality of the eggs may suffer.
Always check the protein content of your feed, particularly if you want your hens to keep laying consistently and maintain good health over the long-term. Think of it like fuelling an athlete - without the right balance of nutrients, they just won’t perform at their best.
The Scratch Mix Debate
Many chicken keepers love to spoil their flock with scratch mix but here’s the thing: it’s essentially the chicken equivalent of lollies. While a scratch mix is fine as an occasional treat, it doesn’t provide the full spectrum of nutrients hens need. If you rely too much on scratch, your hens could end up with nutritional deficiencies. It’s like living on a diet of biscuits - tempting but definitely not sustainable!
Feeding Techniques to Keep Your Hens Happy
Now that we’ve covered the different types of chicken feed, let’s talk about how to serve it. A good-quality mash should be the primary source of nutrition for your hens, especially if you want them to stay healthy and lay strong, regular eggs. Look for a feed with at least 17% protein to meet the needs of high-egg layers or hens you want the best eggs from.
Another helpful tip is to elevate your feeders at least 25cm from where your chickens stand. Keeping feeders raised off the ground helps prevent contamination from bedding materials and helps keep rodents at bay - no one wants to provide an all-you-can-eat buffet for rats! Plus, elevated feeders help to reduce feed wastage by making it a little harder for chickens to scatter their food.
Why It’s Worth the Effort
You might be wondering if all this effort to get the right feed is necessary. The answer is a resounding yes! When you feed your hens a balanced, nutritious diet, you’ll be rewarded with healthier birds and, of course, better more regular eggs. There’s nothing quite like cracking open a fresh egg from your backyard, with a rich golden yolk that’s the envy of any supermarket variety.
It’s not just about the eggs, though. Well-fed hens are happier hens. They’ll have more energy to explore, scratch around and generally enjoy life. Happy hens, as we like to say, make for happy chicken keepers!
The Talking Hens Difference
At Talking Hens, we’re passionate about providing the best chicken feed to keep your hens healthy and productive. Our Sustainable Layer feed is carefully crafted to meet the nutritional needs of laying hens and it’s become a favourite among backyard chicken keepers across Australia. It’s packed with the right balance of protein and nutrients to keep your hens in tip-top shape, and it comes in a mash form that hens love.
But don’t just take our word for it - give it a try and see the difference in your own flock. We’re here to help you on your chicken-keeping journey, whether you’re just starting out or have years of experience like us. And if you’ve got any questions or tips, feel free to drop them in the comments below as we’d love to hear from you!
Wrapping Up: Feed Your Hens Right
So there you have it—the ins and outs of chicken feed. By providing your hens with the right food, you’ll not only boost their health and happiness but also enjoy better eggs. Remember, every flock is a little different, so pay attention to your hens’ needs and adjust accordingly.
Comments (1)
I really like the look of your sustainable mash and that will definitely be the chicken feed we will be purchasing regularly. First though, we need to start with getting hens. I want 2 Blue Australorps. I see you sell black ones. Are you able to tell me who has Blue Australorps or if you will have them for sale soon?
With kind regards